Controlling and issuing construction certificates



Issuing certificates related to:

Final Completion, no-violation, extension of final completion, reviewing as built plans and adapting them to existing status


Tasks and duties


- Issuing construction certificates including a certificate of final completion, no-violation certificate and certificate of final completion extension
- Controlling urban construction projects in accordance with regulations and requirement declared by the Urban Planning and Architecture Council
- Following up reported violations by the Directorate of Supervising Engineers and Executive Affairs
- Issuing letters of introduction and responding enquiries by the Directorate of Supervising Engineers and Executive Affairs
- Planning to improve the quality of underway construction projects in accordance with related regulations and requirements
- Reviewing and preparing reports and providing procedures aimed at tackling possible problems related to investors

   The most important tasks of Final Completion Issuance Unit

- Reviewing requests applying for final completion certificate and no-violation certificate which includes field visits, controlling and verifying the proper implementation and completion of building operations, the current status of the building, drawing up single-line plans, preparing certificate drafts and final approval of certificates before issuance

- Reviewing and preparing reports on problems related to clients applying for certificates in order to be decided upon at the company or referring the case to the Council of Architecture and Urban Planning

The most important duties of No-Violation Certificate Unit

Reviewing the requests applying for final completion certificate, extension of final completion certificate which includes field visit, reviewing and controlling the building's status quo and cross-checking it with the approved urban planning plans and the final completion certificate
Reviewing building violations declared by the Directorate of Executive Affairs and lifting the faults and if necessary giving report on the relevant legal measures taken by the company's Directorate of Legal Affairs
- Responding to enquiries filed by diverse directorates and organizations involved in urban planning
- Updating the data and statistics and activities of the Office of Deputy CEO for Urban Planning
- Controlling and monitoring the performance of urban planning software.